Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Like cuttin' the steel band on a bale of cottton

"That's the scary thing about women," the day fireman volunteered, putting up three fingers to ask for his draw. "Marryin' 'em is just like cuttin' the steel band on a bale of cottton. First thing you know, you've got a roomful of woman."
--from "Died and Gone to Vegas" by Tim Gautreaux, collected in Same Place, Same Things (St. Martin's Press, 1996)

Friday, January 18, 2008

Single guy named "U.N. messenger of peace"

Reuters reports that famous single guy George Clooney has been named U.N. messenger of peace:
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon named actor George Clooney, who has campaigned for refugees in Darfur, as a U.N. "messenger of peace" on Friday to promote the world body's peacekeeping efforts. [read on]
Does this mean we'll have to re-work the poster?

Nah ... probably not.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

One man's one-night stand is....

Stephen Marks is a political consultant with a specialty in negative advertising which he writes about in the book, Confessions of a Political Hitman.

Deborah Solomon of the New York Times Magazine interviewed Marks about his work and his book. Two of their exchanges:
Have you sent [your parents] a copy of your book?

No. Not yet. I’m a little nervous about how they may react to the personal content.

Yes, you do write about an alarming number of one-night stands.

That’s kind of trashy-sounding. I would prefer to say I haven’t yet found the right woman to settle down with.
"I haven’t yet found the right woman to settle down with" is another way to characterize the "one-night stand?"

Thanks a lot, Stephen Marks -- that's just the kind of bad PR that'll hurt single guys everywhere.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

books that explore marriage with uncommon clarity?

Some blogger ran across a short list of "works [that] explore marriage with uncommon clarity" and posted a link to it on his blog.

We did a quick canvas of everyone at Darkbloomz HQ (who survived the New Year festivities) to see who has read these great works.

The results?


Not one of us had read any of the books.

And The Single Guy says he's proud of it.
